Medical Product

Oxygen Concentrator 10L

Support Covid-19 patients with innovation 

Understanding the problem

Pests are always a menace. Not only do they eat and ruin products, they are super spreaders of germs and diseases. There are some solutions available that catch mice and rats and dispose them, like the conventional cage or rat poison but none of them solve the problem completely.
The client wanted to develop an industrial version of rat trapper which had the capacity to capture more than 20 rats without emptying the trap or killing the animal. They wanted to integrate IOT in the product.

Design & development

Our task was defined. We started with observing mice and rats and tested the conventional mechanism from which we moved on to defining the working principle of the product. We created basic sketches and made a skeleton model. We created various designs and prototypes to test our mechanism. After testing it with different rats of different sizes and weights we confirmed the dimensions of structure and material. Once the form and feel of the product was defined, we went on to create the beta testing prototype to test it in real life conditions and check the speed and count of rats captured. We created a pre-production batch of 500 pieces and gave it in different FMCG industries for review and testing.

The Solution

We successfully developed an IOT rat trapper which disperses its fragrance to around 500m to attract rats and traps them inside the metal cage. The cage has the capacity to hold upto 25 rats at a time. While it sends a signal to the phone every time a rat gets caught, it sends reminders if the cage is not emptied from time to time. It sends a special notification if the cage is at full capacity and needs to be emptied as soon as possible. It has been tested at different industrial locations and will move to production within a month.

How this product design & development works?